Mákvirág - Verőce "Scapegrace" folk dance group

Laslo Pecka leads the adolescence folklore group from 2002. The group introduced itself in Becse, Torda, Magyarittabé, Maradék and in Hungary too, they spent one week in Kunhegyes back in the summer of 2003. After the folk dances such as somogyi, sárközi and rábaközi they are learning the szatmári folk dance. Attila Kosa is one of the member of our group who got a prize as a solo-singer in the "Szólj síp, szólj" contest. This year they will enter the "Gyöngyösbokréta" and the "Koketánc" compatitions.

To contact call: Tilda Toth
Tel: +381 63 74 95 748

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