President: Rózsa Losonc Fehér
Address: Bratstva 20, 24323 Feketic, Serbia
E- mail:totilona@yahoo.com
Mobile.: +381 64 27 35 092
Contact person : Tóth Ilona
Mobil tel.: +381 064 21 12 863
Bank account: 355-1068123-57 Vojvodjanska Banka AD. Novi Sad, Filijala: B. Topola

The founding meeting was held On November 12th, 2004 and the women of Feketic got a new Association bearing the name HESTIA. Their meetings are at 18.00 on Wednesdays in the old Biro School (Bratstva 20, Feketic)


1.1. Improving the economic situation of the women living in rural area

1.2. Improving the educational level of the women and drawing their attention to their rights in the society

1.3. Organizing seminars and tribunes about the issues important to them from the fields of Health, Culture and Art

1.4. Involving women into cultural life

1.5. Organizing various workshops (arts and crafts, class painting, needlework, etc.)

1.6. Helping other civil organizations

1.7. Project-writing

1.8. Supporting projects that will enable employment and self-employment

o Establishing and maintaining contact with other Women's Associations both from Serbia and abroad
o In order to achieve our aims we need to invite trained social workers to our Association and need to send our members to various seminars

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